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IxStateT overview

When applying module augmentation when creating types, ensure that there are 2 declarations.

See IxState for more details.

Added in v2.10.0

Table of contents



Apply a function to an argument under a type constructor.


export declare function ap<F extends URIS2>(
  F: Chain2<F>
): <I, E, A>(fa: IxStateT2<F, I, I, E, A>) => <B>(fab: IxStateT2<F, I, I, E, (a: A) => B>) => IxStateT2<F, I, I, E, B>
export declare function ap<F extends URIS>(
  F: Chain1<F>
): <I, A>(fa: IxStateT1<F, I, I, A>) => <B>(fab: IxStateT1<F, I, I, (a: A) => B>) => IxStateT1<F, I, I, B>
export declare function ap<F>(
  F: Chain<F>
): <I, A>(fa: IxStateT<F, I, I, A>) => <B>(fab: IxStateT<F, I, I, (a: A) => B>) => IxStateT<F, I, I, B>

Added in v2.10.0



Composes computations in sequence, using the return value of one computation to determine the next computation.


export declare function chain<F extends URIS2>(
  F: Chain2<F>
): <I, E, A, B>(f: (a: A) => IxStateT2<F, I, I, E, B>) => (fa: IxStateT2<F, I, I, E, A>) => IxStateT2<F, I, I, E, B>
export declare function chain<F extends URIS>(
  F: Chain1<F>
): <I, A, B>(f: (a: A) => IxStateT1<F, I, I, B>) => (fa: IxStateT1<F, I, I, A>) => IxStateT1<F, I, I, B>
export declare function chain<F>(
  F: Chain<F>
): <I, A, B>(f: (a: A) => IxStateT<F, I, I, B>) => (fa: IxStateT<F, I, I, A>) => IxStateT<F, I, I, B>

Added in v2.10.0



map can be used to turn functions (a: A) => B into functions (fa: F<A>) => F<B> whose argument and return types use the type constructor F to represent some computational context.


export declare const map: typeof ixmap

Added in v2.10.0



Apply a function to an argument under a type constructor.


export declare function ixap<F extends URIS2>(
  F: Chain2<F>
): <O, Z, E, A>(
  fa: IxStateT2<F, O, Z, E, A>
) => <I, B>(fab: IxStateT2<F, I, O, E, (a: A) => B>) => IxStateT2<F, I, Z, E, B>
export declare function ixap<F extends URIS>(
  F: Chain1<F>
): <O, Z, A>(fa: IxStateT1<F, O, Z, A>) => <I, B>(fab: IxStateT1<F, I, O, (a: A) => B>) => IxStateT1<F, I, Z, B>
export declare function ixap<F>(
  F: Chain<F>
): <O, Z, A>(fa: IxStateT<F, O, Z, A>) => <I, B>(fab: IxStateT<F, I, O, (a: A) => B>) => IxStateT<F, I, Z, B>

Added in v2.10.0



Composes computations in sequence, using the return value of one computation to determine the next computation.


export declare function ixchain<F extends URIS2>(
  F: Chain2<F>
): <O, Z, E, A, B>(
  f: (a: A) => IxStateT2<F, O, Z, E, B>
) => <I>(fa: IxStateT2<F, I, O, E, A>) => IxStateT2<F, I, Z, E, B>
export declare function ixchain<F extends URIS>(
  F: Chain1<F>
): <O, Z, A, B>(f: (a: A) => IxStateT1<F, O, Z, B>) => <I>(fa: IxStateT1<F, I, O, A>) => IxStateT1<F, I, Z, B>
export declare function ixchain<F>(
  F: Chain<F>
): <O, Z, A, B>(f: (a: A) => IxStateT<F, O, Z, B>) => <I>(fa: IxStateT<F, I, O, A>) => IxStateT<F, I, Z, B>

Added in v2.10.0



map can be used to turn functions (a: A) => B into functions (fa: F<A>) => F<B> whose argument and return types use the type constructor F to represent some computational context.


export declare function ixmap<F extends URIS2>(
  F: Functor2<F>
): <A, B>(f: (a: A) => B) => <I, O, E>(fa: IxStateT2<F, I, O, E, A>) => IxStateT2<F, I, O, E, B>
export declare function ixmap<F extends URIS>(
  F: Functor1<F>
): <A, B>(f: (a: A) => B) => <I, O>(fa: IxStateT1<F, I, O, A>) => IxStateT1<F, I, O, B>
export declare function ixmap<F>(
  F: Functor<F>
): <A, B>(f: (a: A) => B) => <I, O>(fa: IxStateT<F, I, O, A>) => IxStateT<F, I, O, B>

Added in v2.10.0




export declare function ixof<F extends URIS2>(F: Pointed2<F>): <S, E, A>(a: A) => IxStateT2<F, S, S, E, A>
export declare function ixof<F extends URIS>(F: Pointed1<F>): <S, A>(a: A) => IxStateT1<F, S, S, A>
export declare function ixof<F>(F: Pointed<F>): <S, A>(a: A) => IxStateT<F, S, S, A>

Added in v2.10.0




export declare const of: typeof ixof

Added in v2.10.0



Changes the value of the local context during the execution of the action ma (similar to Contravariant’s contramap).


export declare function local<F extends URIS2>(): <I, X>(
  f: (x: X) => I
) => <O, E, A>(fa: IxStateT2<F, I, O, E, A>) => IxStateT2<F, X, O, E, A>
export declare function local<F extends URIS>(): <I, X>(
  f: (x: X) => I
) => <O, A>(fa: IxStateT1<F, I, O, A>) => IxStateT1<F, X, O, A>
export declare function local<F>(): <I, X>(f: (x: X) => I) => <O, A>(fa: IxStateT<F, I, O, A>) => IxStateT<F, X, O, A>

Added in v2.10.0




export declare function fromStateF<F extends URIS2>(): <S, E, A>(fa: StateT2<F, S, E, A>) => IxStateT2<F, S, S, E, A>
export declare function fromStateF<F extends URIS>(): <S, A>(fa: StateT1<F, S, A>) => IxStateT1<F, S, S, A>
export declare function fromStateF<F>(): <R, A>(fa: StateT<F, R, A>) => IxStateT<F, R, R, A>

Added in v2.10.0



export declare function get<F extends URIS2>(F: Pointed2<F>): <I, E>() => IxStateT2<F, I, I, E, I>
export declare function get<F extends URIS>(F: Pointed1<F>): <I>() => IxStateT1<F, I, I, I>
export declare function get<F>(F: Pointed<F>): <I>() => IxStateT<F, I, I, I>

Added in v2.10.0



export declare function gets<F extends URIS2>(F: Pointed2<F>): <I, E, A>(f: (i: I) => A) => IxStateT2<F, I, I, E, A>
export declare function gets<F extends URIS>(F: Pointed1<F>): <I, A>(f: (i: I) => A) => IxStateT1<F, I, I, A>
export declare function gets<F>(F: Pointed<F>): <I, A>(f: (i: I) => A) => IxStateT<F, I, I, A>

Added in v2.10.0



export declare function ixmodify<F extends URIS2>(
  F: Pointed2<F>
): <S, R, E>(f: (i: S) => R) => IxStateT2<F, S, R, E, void>
export declare function ixmodify<F extends URIS>(F: Pointed1<F>): <R, E>(f: (i: R) => E) => IxStateT1<F, R, E, void>
export declare function ixmodify<F>(F: Pointed<F>): <R, E>(f: (i: R) => E) => IxStateT<F, R, E, void>

Added in v2.10.0



export declare function put<F extends URIS2>(F: Pointed2<F>): <I, E>(i: I) => IxStateT2<F, I, I, E, void>
export declare function put<F extends URIS>(F: Pointed1<F>): <I>(i: I) => IxStateT1<F, I, I, void>
export declare function put<F>(F: Pointed<F>): <I>(i: I) => IxStateT<F, I, I, void>

Added in v2.10.0




export declare function evaluate<F extends URIS2>(
  F: Functor2<F>
): <I>(i: I) => <O, E, A>(fa: IxStateT2<F, I, O, E, A>) => Kind2<F, E, A>
export declare function evaluate<F extends URIS>(
  F: Functor1<F>
): <I>(i: I) => <O, A>(fa: IxStateT1<F, I, O, A>) => Kind<F, A>
export declare function evaluate<F>(F: Functor<F>): <I>(i: I) => <O, A>(fa: IxStateT<F, I, O, A>) => HKT<F, A>

Added in v2.10.0



export declare function ixexecute<F extends URIS2>(
  F: Functor2<F>
): <I, E>(i: I) => <O, A>(fa: IxStateT2<F, I, O, E, A>) => Kind2<F, E, O>
export declare function ixexecute<F extends URIS>(
  F: Functor1<F>
): <I>(i: I) => <O, A>(fa: IxStateT1<F, I, O, A>) => Kind<F, O>
export declare function ixexecute<F>(F: Functor<F>): <I>(i: I) => <O, A>(fa: IxStateT<F, I, O, A>) => HKT<F, O>

Added in v2.10.0



export declare function toStateF<F extends URIS2>(): <R, E, A>(fa: IxStateT2<F, R, R, E, A>) => StateT2<F, R, E, A>
export declare function toStateF<F extends URIS>(): <E, A>(fa: IxStateT1<F, E, E, A>) => StateT1<F, E, A>
export declare function toStateF<F>(): <E, A>(fa: IxStateT<F, E, E, A>) => StateT<F, E, A>

Added in v2.10.0


IxStateT (interface)


export interface IxStateT<F, R, E, A> {
  (i: R): HKT<F, [A, E]>

Added in v2.10.0

IxStateT1 (interface)


export interface IxStateT1<F extends URIS, R, E, A> {
  (i: R): Kind<F, [A, E]>

Added in v2.10.0

IxStateT2 (interface)


export interface IxStateT2<F extends URIS2, S, R, E, A> {
  (i: S): Kind2<F, E, [A, R]>

Added in v2.10.0